Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chapter 13 and 14

Chapter 13:
"If you know how to breathe, you can get through anything."Pg 116
This quote really spoke out to me. It's true what Nadira/the author pointed out, if you learn to take one step at a time you eventually get through. Even the toughest moments. This could help Nadira later on in the book. She could be in situation where she has no clue what to do and stuck but pulls through. I think that Aisha needs to listen to her advice. I also wonder if Aisha's dad taught her how to swim the same way that he taught Nadira. Does Aisha also know of this saying Abba told Nadira?

Chapter 14
"When i climb into the passenger seat, he flips open the glove compartment to show his gun inside. His breath is hot and scratchy on my face."
"You don't know anything."
"What do you mean?"
"You don't know me, you don't know where I'm taking you. And no names. No shooting your mouth off youd little friends. Get it?" Pg. 120
When I first read this I freaked out. First off... Why does he carry a gun? I can't really tell if he's warning her not to tell her friends or showing him he's protected from people or if he's trying to scare her on purpose so she won't say anything. Nadira obviously doesn't show any sign because we don't get to see what she's thinking in her mind, which really bugs me. If she decided to get help in the end, this could have ruined her parents reputation and maybe her dad could have gotten deported if thing's didn't go according to Tareq. In a way Tareq is trying to help, but it sort of scares me the way he wanted to help... With a gun. I don't think I would want to recieve help from someone doing suspicous and especiallly illegal things around me.

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