Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chapter 10

"But this is just stupid. Tim is trying to help. And now you go and do this." - He's not family," Auntie replies. "He shouldn't be here." She crosses her arms across her chest.
I think that this quote clearly states the relationship between family and other's. Taslima was only trying to help and it bothers me that her parent's turned the help down because her boyfriend Tim was going to help. It might be some cultural difference that they won't accept even though they are in America. I just wonder if her Aunt might get closer to knowing Taslima now because her father is gone. And maybe even get to know Tim. What do you guy's think?


  1. I agree you Dennyce. I also found it interesting that sturdy wall between family and others. The fact that just because he isn't family, he shouldn't be there kind of startled me actually. I think that Auntie will become more close with Aisha because in a hard time like this, she will definitely need someone to lean on.

  2. It is rather frustrating that Auntie wouldn't let Tim help, which was all he was trying to do. I can understand it, though. I think that Auntie doesn't feel comfortable having everything out in the open, and relying on someone that she barely knows. That's what I think. Good (b)Log!

  3. I think that it is sad that Auntie can't accept Taslima's friend. Tim was just trying to help and Auntie turned it down. Know that Uncle is gone I think that Taslima and Auntie are going to get closer and I hope that Auntie can accept Tim. I think that later on in the book Tim is somehow going to help and Auntie is going to apologize to Taslima for not trusting her. Great Blog!

  4. Yes, Nadira (sp..?) is right, they don't show snapshots of future husbands, or prevent them from going to college (or trying to...) But even then, they are still traditional. there is a really big wall between family and friends. Then again, Auntie could have realized what nobody else did. All Tim did was sit there, and wave his cell phone. It didn't do much. I think she was a little harsh, though. Nice (b)log. I like.

  5. I,like sara, think that Auntie is going to lean on Aisha and sort of ignore Taslima and Tim. I also think she is distancing herself from Taslima because she flat out doesn't like Tim. I also agree with what Rebecca said in the end of her comment,"I think that later on in the book Tim is somehow going to help and Auntie is going to apologize to Taslima for not trusting her."
    I totally agree with this. I think Auntie is going to get along with Taslima. Good Job.

  6. Dennyce, great (b)log! I agree with Julia. Tim didn't really do anything by waving his cellphone around, he is close to becoming a full time lawyer, but I see where Auntie is coming from when she explains that he should not be there. I think Auntie thinks of Tim as some kind of leech that has attached himself to her "little girl", and walks around acting superior.

  7. Kat and Julia, why do you think Tim waved his cellphone around, since it did no good? I'm just curious because you guys mentioned it.

  8. It's interesting/scary what people will do when someone is "gone". Although, I hope that he's not gone!!! I notice that in some cultures are more secretive than others. It seems this family thinks that the family should take care of family, and not involve anyone else. Good Blog & discussion Dennyce!

  9. Woa, Dennyce! I TOTALLY agree. It is very interesting how family dynamics play out in this book. I agree with Maya and Rebecca's frustration towards Auntie's attitude. I disagree with Sara and Claire. I think that Auntie is going to end up finding a friend in Tim and that he will become a great ally in this ongoing war. Like Claire's second comment, I am curious to see why both Kat and Julia only see Tim as a cellphone waver and nothing else...

  10. I hope Uncle's not "gone", Alissa. I also agree with the family takes care of family part.

    Dennyce--great (b)Log, keep up the good work!

  11. Great blog Dennyce! I completely agree with you. I think that the reason why Auntie doesn't like TIm is because he's white, and they are from Bangladesh. And to answer your question, yes. I think that not having Taslima's father around is really going to change things between Taslima and Auntie. I think that they are going to get closer with each other. Then, Auntie is going to realize how much Tim and Taslima love each other. Then, Auntie is going to accept Tim :D

    ya ya? What do you guys think??

  12. Really great points Dannyce! I think it is really interesting how they pretty much don't trust Tim at all because he is not "family". Although I think the reason why Auntie snapped was because she is is in a REALLY bad situation and she needed to yell. But i do understand where she is coming from. I wish she would be more respectful to Tim though because he is just trying to help!

  13. Nice work Dennyce. Great points! I hope that Auntie and Taslima will get closer...there seems to be a big gap between them. I think its interesting how the family doesn't really want Tim's help because he is not "family", and I think when Auntie said that, she said it pretty mildly.

  14. i hope that the Aunt will come closer to Taslima, becuase in their situation, they should stick together as much as possible, including Tim. Tim is a law studant, so he knows all about laws and such, which might play helpful in the situaiton.
